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Letter: Marchetti is the honest, competent choice for mayor

To the editor: Character still matters.

A mayor should be a person of solid character, an example for young citizens and a person taxpayers can trust. A mayor should have a successful work history, a demonstrated ability and propensity to work diligently year in and year out. A mayor should have a selfless approach to public service, with an ability to withstand the significant pressures of special interests. A mayor should be honest and above temptation of using the office for self-enrichment. A mayor should be able to empathize with the citizens of their community as they meet the challenges of everyday life.

A city’s chief executive should be competent to do the job, which includes developing and managing a $200 million budget and supervising a significant municipal workforce. A mayor should have the vision to see how education, public safety and economic development fit together to advance the community and serve the citizenry.

Peter Marchetti has been a steady, significant contributor as an executive of one of our valued community financial institutions for more than 30 years. Pete has given selflessly on boards and commissions. Shortly after becoming mayor, I was proud to appoint Peter to the charter commission. He has given hundreds of hours of planning and work so that the people of Pittsfield can enjoy one of the best Independence Day celebrations in America. Pete has donated many years to give young people in our community a wholesome recreational outlet through a long lasting bowling program. Peter Marchetti’s commitment to our community and his significant and relevant career makes him the overwhelmingly best choice to become Pittsfield’s next mayor.

I respectfully urge the voters of Pittsfield to support an honest, competent and proven dedicated public servant who we can entrust with the office of mayor. Please join me in voting for Pete Marchetti on election day.

Dan Bianchi, Pittsfield

The writer is a former mayor of Pittsfield.

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